The Shopping Process

Consider Your Options

Since 2002, many Texans have had options when choosing an electric company. Companies offer a variety of plans, so you may be able to save money or find a plan with a consistent cost each month. You may also find a plan that includes energy generated from renewable resources. Some plans have other value-added services or promotions, such as air conditioning maintenance, rewards programs, or other customer service benefits.

You may not want to change plans if you are happy with your current plan and provider or are under a long-term contract, as there may be penalties if you break an existing contract with your current electric company. Review your Terms of Service agreement for details on your plan.

  1. How to switch

    Choosing a new plan is simple. Just contact the company you’ve chosen and tell them you'd like to switch, or sign up on their website. They’ll send you a Terms of Service agreement, which is your new contract. Review it carefully. After you receive it you'll have three business days to cancel without penalty, if your Terms of Service has a penalty. You will also receive a mailer from ERCOT confirming your switch request as well as details on how to cancel.

  2. When will my switch occur?

    Your new electric service plan will take effect within seven business days.

  3. Will my service be interrupted?

    No. Switching to another electric company will not interrupt your electricity service, and the reliability of your service will not be affected by your choice of provider. The wires company for your area will remain the same, regardless of which electric company you choose.


Your Rights
Low-income and Electric Assistance Programs
Generating and Selling Renewable Power
Renewable Energy Credits (RECs)